Monday 30 September 2013

Public invited to discuss future of tennis club

Public invited to meeting to discuss future of tennis club

A PUBLIC meeting about the future of the former Karingal Tennis Club site will be held on October 10.

Karingal’s Phil Lodge said the group would present its plan for the site.
“It’s now at a vital stage where we need to do everything we can to convince Frankston Council to keep the site for the community and not turn it into residential developments,’’ Mr Lodge said.

Frankston Council demolished the derelict pavilion in May this year after it had been left dormant since the tennis club vacated it in 2008. Mr Lodge said since it was torn down it had not been maintained. “It is still a mess and in some respects worse than before,’’ Mr Lodge said.
Council chief executive Dennis Hovenden said since the ordinary meeting in March, council officers had been “thoroughly investigating all options for the future of the site”. “A further report has been finalised to go before council’s October 21 meeting to seek further direction,’’ Mr Hovenden said.

The meeting is at Karingal Place at 7pm.

Frankston Standard Leader P5 - 30 Sept 2013

Details of the meeting can be found here:

Frankston Standard Leader
30 Sep 2013

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