Some facts without the hype
The situation with regard to refugees or asylum seekers is not great.
It is sad when anybody dies for what ever reason, but that does not make
all deaths that occur our responsibility, unless we did something to
cause those deaths.
We're 15th in the world for taking Asylum Seekers
Australia is continually criticised in the
media for the treatment of asylum seekers and deaths at sea. That
according to the media is Australia's fault. We're criticised for being
15th in the world for taking Refugees/Asylum seekers (based on refugees per head of population ).
Nations who take less Asylum Seekers than Australia
Here's a list of nations we know the
statistics for that we are ahead of: Turkey, Canada, United States,
Finland, Netherlands, Iceland, Yugoslav Republic, Croatia, Italy,
Serbia, Switzerland, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Ireland, Lithuania,
Poland, United Kingdom, EU-Total (27), Estonia, Latvia, New Zealand,
Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Czech
Rep., Japan, Portugal, Rep. of Korea. Indonesia, Malaysia, China, and Russia aren't
on the list at all and there are many many more nations that don't take refugees.
Instead of
getting stuck into us every moment of the day, perhaps the press should
be saying we're doing well, but perhaps we could do better.
How many Asylum Seekers
other thing is how many refugee/Asylum Seekers die on route to
Australia - i.e. at sea. You can find out relatively easily as Monash Uni keeps statistics, and there is at least one other site that gives
the figures year by year. The figures between the two sources roughly correlate.
Asylum Seeker Arrivals by Year |
Deaths on Route
So I
plotted the number of asylum seekers, no of boats, and number that died
by year.
Asylum Seeker Deaths and Boat Arrivals by Year |
What is immediately apparent is that there was a huge disaster
in 2001 and 336 people died. The response to that was a change or
implementation of new policy by the Howard government. Over the next
seven years, only a handful died - 28 in total, about 4 per year. Then
Rudd/Gillard took over. In the next 4.5 years more than a 1000 people
died. The number of people who died is directly proportional to the
number of boat arrivals.
Compared with Howard's last year in
office Rudd's second year of office produced 18 times as many asylum
seekers and 111 deaths compared with none (zero). Rudd's third year in
office - 44 times the number asylum seekers arrived, and there were 168
deaths compared with none. Under Gillard it just got worse. By her
second term in office the number of asylum seekers was 116 times
Howard's last year, and 359 deaths compared with zero.
Life or Death - a policy choice
media can talk all they like, Labor can criticize all they like. The
truth is, that nothing they have suggested will save the thousand lives
lost, or the lives that are still to die as a result of their policies. Talk means nothing - but deaths do. You have to choose - do you want policies that will lead to thousands of
deaths a year or no deaths and a steadily increasing asylum
seeker/refugee intake as our population grows. Our refugee/asylum seeker
intake is only beaten by fourteen(14) nation's in the world, rather they come by
much safer means and without being exploited along the way.
Frankston Watch
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