Saturday, 23 April 2022

Is your Bank Account Safe?

I grew up with the idea that Bank Accounts were sacrosanct. Bank accounts were yours, and yours alone. Nobody could touch your bank account, not even the Government, or at least not without a court order. This is not the case today. If Centre Link think you owe it money, then they can just garnish your account. Or may be it's the Tax Office. A garnishee notice is issued by the government agency (such as Centrelink or the ATO) to a third party that holds your money (the bank) and they just take it.

Bail-In laws

There are other ways as well, that Governments and the Banks can take your money. In 2018 the Liberal Federal Government with Labor support passed Bail-In laws, so that a bank in financial strife can just take your money. Currently there is probably no forseeable danger of that, but it has happened in other countries. Now the legal framework has been put in place so that it can happen here as well. Many have complained that the legislation is vague, meaning that the conditions for this to occur and the extent to which this can happen are not defined leaving those with the power, to do as they want, rather than what was originally intended.

Bank freezes your account

But your money is mostly safe, or is it? What if the Bank freezes all your accounts? You can't access any of the money, there is no warning, and there is either nothing you can do about it, or it is very difficult to do something about it, or to find out what can be done. Could you live without access to any of your funds for one or two months, or maybe never again?

It might not be the bank. It might be Austrack that has frozen your account. There are numerous reasons why that can occur and you do not have to have committed a crime. Recently one unsuspecting person helping out flood victims was the victim of Austrac. While busy helping others, people gave him money so he could fuel boats and trucks to do the work. Austrac deemed the lots of small donations as suspicious. No notice, no warning, he just woke up one morning not being unable to access his bank accounts. Why? Here's an Austrac article that might illuminate. Did he actually do anything wrong? No, they were just suspicious, and at the time of writing this it's nearly a month and he still doesn't have access to his account or his money. Here's an excerpt of what they say to look out from the Austrac article.  Note that none of these are a crime.

What if you are subject to fraud?

What if you are subject to fraud? It's a long story, too long for here, perhaps for another post. Persons unknown were writing fraudulent checks for large sums of money on my bank account. The cheques were clearly fraudulent, and the bank acknowledged it wasn't my fault, but the end result was my main business account was unceremoniously frozen. I was the victim even though I was innocent. I had to set up other bank accounts to continue my business. It wasn't fun.

Digital IDs and the rush towards Digital Currency?

Now the Federal Government is pursuing Digital IDs nd Digital Currency - in line with WEF policy. According to Government and the WEF it will streamline business, but it actually means more regulation, more control, tying everything down more rather than freeing things up. And of course one of the things that won't be freed up is banking and bank accounts with the aim of removing cash from our society.

Many have written about this:

The current trend and the pursuit of Digital IDs and Digital Currency is the pursuit of Marxist goals and agendas. When you look closely, everything Scott Morrison does is a pursuit of a Marxist control agenda. He does this whilst smiling and pretending to be conservative. Morrison is ultimately leading the Liberal Party to adopt a Marxist philosphy.

Friday, 15 April 2022

Liberal Labor the same

Liberal and Labor the same
Perhaps you are having trouble understanding just why Liberal and Labor these days all look exactly the same, why there seems to be almost no difference between the two parties. Often they seem to work together.

On 25th Feb 2022 Domminic Perrottet in a speech to the Committee for Economic Development of Australia stated: "But where Dan and I reached that agreement was if we could come out on the same day with the same settings."  In that speech Perrottet stated a number of times he was working together with Dan Andrews.  He also stated that previously as as Treasurer he had worked with other Labor Treasurers for five years.

Recently a Liberal Senator that lost pre-selection said in her departure speech that a number of senior politicians in the Liberal Party were from the left faction. This included Scott Morrison. Amongst other things she described the trashing of the Liberal Party constitution and the faction's control of the party.

None of this fits with the Liberal Party's stated beliefs: "we simply believe in individual freedom and free enterprise." This now a party where members can no longer choose who will represent them.

Power brokers within the Liberal Party have even been accused of branch stacking and recruiting candidates from the Labor Party for their left wing faction. One such example is Sharn Coombes who according to Real Freedom News was recruited from the Labor party by Ian Quick and Frank Greenstein.

So you might think well just who is Ian Quick? If you have been a Liberal party supporter, you might just be sorry you asked that question. A search on "Ian Quick liberal party news" produced over 10 million results - almost none of it good news for the Liberal Party. Talk of factions, branch stacking, deals, leadership skirmishes, liars, hypocrites. None of it the sort of things most people would want to be involved with.

When you read about what is going on, you could be forgiven for thinking "aren't I reading about the Labor party?". Sadly no, and it reflects in both their policies and their actions.

Frankston Council - 15% Rate Reduction

  Frankston Council 15% rate reduction? Did you get your rates notice just a little while ago? Did you have trouble reconcilling your rate ...