Thursday 12 January 2023

Frankston Council now resorting to lies and deception

 Long Street Reserve - Option 1

Long Street Building Plan Option 1

If you believe Frankston City Council the Building and Car Park only take up 22% of the land. Here's what they said:

When they made those comments, they certainly wen't using Option No 1 shown at the top of the page. According to a report the site is 8778 square metres. You can determine the building size by scaling the plan image against known measurements. When you do that:

  • Car Park Area not including paths - 630 sq metres or 7.18%
  • Building - 1659 sq metres or 18.9%
  • Licensed Play areas - approximately - 2328 sq metres or 26.5%

It comes to a whopping 4600 sq metres or 52% of the Long Street reserve. So what exactly did they mean by 78% kept for bush kinder and public use? I guess what they really meant was another 30% used by Bush Kinder with no public access.

Long Street  Reserve Option 2

So what about Option 2? Option 2 definitely uses less area and it's footprint on the site (effective area used) is marginally less, but again it's no where near 22% with 78% remaining.

The 22% with 78% remaining is just plain misleading. But that's not the first time Frankston City Council has set out to mislead the public.

Monday 9 January 2023

Council intent on denying openspace requirements for Langwarrin residents.

Long Street Reserve
Julia Leng Toomer

Frankston Council has decided to close the Long Street Reserve and use it for a Kindergarten and Child and Family Centre.

Has Frankston Council considered the Long Street Reserve closure properly? Have they really considered the lack of Open Space facilities that are available for residents and kids in the area?

On the surface it might seem like there is plenty of Open Space available in the area, but it turns out that other open space areas are about 1km away and usualy not suitable as kids play areas. The closest equivalent park is the Maple Street Park, about 1 km away. Lloyd street reserve is over 1 km away and is really a formal sports area, cricket, tennis, football etc. It really isn't suitable for young kids and mums. Young Kids really can't go there on their own as most of the route is along Frankston-Cranbourne Road.

Perhaps another option is the Poplar street entrance to Studio Park. Actually it's the only entrance whne the main gates to McLeland Gallery are shut. But again this isn't really suitable as a play area for young kids. The gate structure doesn't really seem that inviting to kids either. It seems as though it was more designed to deter kids from entering the area.

That leaves the Dame Elizabeth Murdoch Arboretum Playground, more than a kilometer away and marked on Google Maps as temporilarily closed.

Here is the No 1 Priority for Frankston's Health and Wellbeing priorities.


 I'm not sure how this fits with councils stated objectives. It seems to be more of a case of this is what we say - It's not what we do.

Saturday 23 April 2022

Is your Bank Account Safe?

I grew up with the idea that Bank Accounts were sacrosanct. Bank accounts were yours, and yours alone. Nobody could touch your bank account, not even the Government, or at least not without a court order. This is not the case today. If Centre Link think you owe it money, then they can just garnish your account. Or may be it's the Tax Office. A garnishee notice is issued by the government agency (such as Centrelink or the ATO) to a third party that holds your money (the bank) and they just take it.

Bail-In laws

There are other ways as well, that Governments and the Banks can take your money. In 2018 the Liberal Federal Government with Labor support passed Bail-In laws, so that a bank in financial strife can just take your money. Currently there is probably no forseeable danger of that, but it has happened in other countries. Now the legal framework has been put in place so that it can happen here as well. Many have complained that the legislation is vague, meaning that the conditions for this to occur and the extent to which this can happen are not defined leaving those with the power, to do as they want, rather than what was originally intended.

Bank freezes your account

But your money is mostly safe, or is it? What if the Bank freezes all your accounts? You can't access any of the money, there is no warning, and there is either nothing you can do about it, or it is very difficult to do something about it, or to find out what can be done. Could you live without access to any of your funds for one or two months, or maybe never again?

It might not be the bank. It might be Austrack that has frozen your account. There are numerous reasons why that can occur and you do not have to have committed a crime. Recently one unsuspecting person helping out flood victims was the victim of Austrac. While busy helping others, people gave him money so he could fuel boats and trucks to do the work. Austrac deemed the lots of small donations as suspicious. No notice, no warning, he just woke up one morning not being unable to access his bank accounts. Why? Here's an Austrac article that might illuminate. Did he actually do anything wrong? No, they were just suspicious, and at the time of writing this it's nearly a month and he still doesn't have access to his account or his money. Here's an excerpt of what they say to look out from the Austrac article.  Note that none of these are a crime.

What if you are subject to fraud?

What if you are subject to fraud? It's a long story, too long for here, perhaps for another post. Persons unknown were writing fraudulent checks for large sums of money on my bank account. The cheques were clearly fraudulent, and the bank acknowledged it wasn't my fault, but the end result was my main business account was unceremoniously frozen. I was the victim even though I was innocent. I had to set up other bank accounts to continue my business. It wasn't fun.

Digital IDs and the rush towards Digital Currency?

Now the Federal Government is pursuing Digital IDs nd Digital Currency - in line with WEF policy. According to Government and the WEF it will streamline business, but it actually means more regulation, more control, tying everything down more rather than freeing things up. And of course one of the things that won't be freed up is banking and bank accounts with the aim of removing cash from our society.

Many have written about this:

The current trend and the pursuit of Digital IDs and Digital Currency is the pursuit of Marxist goals and agendas. When you look closely, everything Scott Morrison does is a pursuit of a Marxist control agenda. He does this whilst smiling and pretending to be conservative. Morrison is ultimately leading the Liberal Party to adopt a Marxist philosphy.

Friday 15 April 2022

Liberal Labor the same

Liberal and Labor the same
Perhaps you are having trouble understanding just why Liberal and Labor these days all look exactly the same, why there seems to be almost no difference between the two parties. Often they seem to work together.

On 25th Feb 2022 Domminic Perrottet in a speech to the Committee for Economic Development of Australia stated: "But where Dan and I reached that agreement was if we could come out on the same day with the same settings."  In that speech Perrottet stated a number of times he was working together with Dan Andrews.  He also stated that previously as as Treasurer he had worked with other Labor Treasurers for five years.

Recently a Liberal Senator that lost pre-selection said in her departure speech that a number of senior politicians in the Liberal Party were from the left faction. This included Scott Morrison. Amongst other things she described the trashing of the Liberal Party constitution and the faction's control of the party.

None of this fits with the Liberal Party's stated beliefs: "we simply believe in individual freedom and free enterprise." This now a party where members can no longer choose who will represent them.

Power brokers within the Liberal Party have even been accused of branch stacking and recruiting candidates from the Labor Party for their left wing faction. One such example is Sharn Coombes who according to Real Freedom News was recruited from the Labor party by Ian Quick and Frank Greenstein.

So you might think well just who is Ian Quick? If you have been a Liberal party supporter, you might just be sorry you asked that question. A search on "Ian Quick liberal party news" produced over 10 million results - almost none of it good news for the Liberal Party. Talk of factions, branch stacking, deals, leadership skirmishes, liars, hypocrites. None of it the sort of things most people would want to be involved with.

When you read about what is going on, you could be forgiven for thinking "aren't I reading about the Labor party?". Sadly no, and it reflects in both their policies and their actions.

Friday 16 October 2020

The Frankston Council $460,000 Fraud

 The $460,000 Fraud

Fraud Prevention is better than cure

This article is from the Age in July 2020.  When it was published it was recent in terms of council events. But did you know that in the Council Elections that year not a single candidate spoke about fraud as an issue. A former Frankston council manager admited to $460,000 fraud and nobody said anything.  Wasn't it an issue? Fraud prevention is much better than cure.

What do we know?
  • The Fraud accured over a period of 9 months from Sept 2016 to May 2017
  • A software glitch allowed this to occur.
  • The Fraud was undiscovered until Frankston City Council audited its purchasing history.
  • It was then reported to the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission
  • The Manager was charged in January and Pleaded guilty in July 2020
  • Another offender still hasn't been to Court
Frankston City Council Offices - $460,000 Fraud

So it has taken 3 years to discover and take action on this fraud and the actions are not yet complete.

The AGE article said it went on for seven months, but left out the event in May 2017 which makes it nine months over all.  Isn't it an issue that it went on undetected for nine months?  And then there was a significant period of time before the audit, and until that was completed Council had no idea anything was wrong. Even after the audit did they know that there had been a fraud, or did they just realise something was wrong? In the last twenty years how often has a fraud like this happened? Do we even know if their have been frauds in the past? What checks and assurances do we have that this won't happen again? Even if they have fixed this software glitch, what assurances do we have there is not another glitch? If it does happen again how will council detect it is happening?  There are lots of questions but not many answers. Is anybody trying to find an answer? Why is it that not a single candidate is talking about this as an issue? 

Again, which candidates were in office when this happened? It's not hard to figure out, but I will leave that for you.

Tuesday 13 October 2020

PARC and other centres for ongoing problems.

PARC the centre for ongoing problems

PARC - Frankston’s Peninsula Aquatic Recreation Centre

PARC Frankston’s Peninsula Aquatic Recreation Centre, is just one of Frankston's suite of buildings. But they are of centres for ongoing problems. 

In the case of PARC, first it was the water slide, then the plumbing, then parking, and management (not necessarily in that order).  But are there any prospective candidates for council asking about or addressing these issues?

Could the water slide issue and other PARC problems have had anything to do with:
  • Maybe they had no idea what they were doing?
  • Was there insufficient planning
  • Was there an issue to do with we want to do it differently to everyone else, and
  • We don't care about supporting Australian businesses?
There are many News Paper articles, but here are just two:
It's a bit hard to believe the circus, but is PARC the only building with problems?  No. Just pick one, any building it doesn't matter. Maybe that is an exaggeration, but after you read about the next bit, you might begine to wonder.

The Frankston Yacht Club

The Frankston Yacht Club, built in 2016 but has been mostly empty ever since. How could council let the place stay empty for so long? How much revenue was lost by leaving it empty? What was wrong with the design or fittings that made the building so unattractive to any potential leasee? This is just yet another troubled Frankston site:
So not only has it been virtually empty since 2016, shortly after it was built council realised it was going to cost  $100,000 a year to stop the building from turning grey.  But that wasn't the only problem. After being empty for four years, late last year it was suddenly realised the cladding on the building was extremely combustible and needed to be replaced. So that incurred another estimated $345,000 on top of a $10.5 million build cost, plus $100,000 or so per year to keep it brown. How much is the rate payer up for now?

Other buildings

There are others troubled buildings for which there are no News Paper articles. For example Karingal Place. Karingal Place has had multiple floodings, roof cave-ins and needed Air conditioning which had to be retro-fitted.

It was discovered after it had been occupied for some time that the floor loading was found insufficient for one of it's designed purposes.  The building also didn't have sufficient fire access for one of it's intended purposes. And the Occupancy limit wasn't sufficient for it's intended purpose. The couple I spoke to on this issue told be heaps of stories, but to top it off until very recently the play grounds which were not compliant with regulations.


There is no doubt in my mind that there are other buildings with significant problems in Frankston.  But in every case I've head about the problems go all the way back to the planning stage and the lack of consultation and lack of thorough planning. The consequences are hefty bills to fix problems for which Rate Payers are forced to pay.

So again you need to ask who was in office when all this happened? What has been done since to stop a repeat of these problems? 

CEO Dennis Hovenden resigns - unexpectedly?

 CEO Dennis Hovenden resigns - unexpectedly?

In June 2019 Frankston Leader told us that the CEO Dennis Hovenden was resiging four months early.  But was it unexpected? Apparently not. The article goes on to say the resignation followed a mutual agreement between Mr Hovenden and councillors. It follows simmering tensions over the chief executive’s future, and councillors voting at a closed briefing in April to advertise the position.  But the then Mayor Michael O’Reilly praised Mr Hovenden’s seven years. How's that? The article talked about simmering tensions. Well how about this list. These are just some of the stories that occured under Hovenden's watch.
Maybe Council and Hovenden weren't such good buddies after all.

Candidates for Frankston Council - 2020

Information on Candidates for Frankston Council?

The Victorian Electoral Comission has questionaires where candidates answer two questions.  In addition they are asked whether they are endorsed by a political party (not a particularly useful question, because you can still be a member or an avid supporter of some party). Anyway here are the links.

Candidates from the North West Ward

Below are links to Facebook and Linked In information about candidates in the North West Ward for Frankston City Council Election 2020.

Name Links
Justin Turner Facebook justinforfrankston

Jocelyn Torres Document
Facebook jocelyn.torres1
Facebook vote1JocelynTorres

Alan Middleton Facebook AlanMiddletonAdmin
Linkedin alan-middleton

Steven Hughes Facebook Steven-Hughes
Linkedin steven-hughes

Glenn Aitken Facebook  Frankston Community Noticeboard

Sue Baker Facebook vote1suebaker
Facebook sue.baker.9083

Stan Doric JP Facebook stan.doric
Linkedin zdravko-stan-doric-jp-a6a92413

Gabriel Norris
Facebook gabrielnorris/

Banson Wong Linkedin banson-wong-293a79a0
Facebook Frankston Community Noticeboard

Jeff Shelley Frankston Community Noticeboard
Facebook Vote1JeffShelley jeff.shelley
Linkedin jeff-shelley-95b76842

Bolam Kris Facebook Kris-Bolam-4-Frankston
Facebook krisbolam
Facebook other info

Michael O'Reilly Facebook CrMichaelOreilly

Candidates from the North East Ward


Facebook david.asker.399


Facebook FRANKSTON2020



Geoffrey Justin HARBECK

Facebook geoffrey.harbeck.1

Facebook Geoffrey Harbeck


Facebook Jay.johnstone.750


Parker KAPP

Facebook parker.kapp

Facebook Vote1forParker

Henryk KAY

Facebook henmilk

Karan KENT

LinkedIn karan-kent-368b49107

Facebook oteNorth-EastKaran-107515191106895/


Facebook shaneforfrankston

Facebook shane.osborne1


Facebook prasadphilipfrankston

Fascebook prasad.philip.1


Facebook Richard-Rendell-for-Frankston-North-East-Ward-109038997583345

Facebook rick.rendell.12

Rupinder SINGH

Facebook rupindersinghricky01

Suzette TAYLER

Facebook suzette.tayler

Facebook vote1SuzetteTayler


Candidates from the South Ward

Evalyn CLOW






Stephen McDONALD


Steve TOMS

Other Web Sites

Some other web sites you can get information about the candidates:

Stories about Frankston Council:

In the next few days we are going to be listing some of the sories about Franston City Council.  These will be some of the public stories. There are many more that could be told privately but as that could be problematic we will just deal with some of the public stories.

The Wells Street revamp

Stories about Frankston Council

This is one of the public stories about Frankston City Council. There are many more that could be told privately, but telling them could be problematic, so here at least are some of the public stoies. Today let's talk about Wells Street.

The Wells Street revamp

So how could we forget the Wells St revamp? Over budget by more than half, $2.1 million or more than 60% over budget. The article says the cost overruns were due to nightworks done to minimise disruption, changes to the project scope and issues due to services being in unexpected locations. How can you call this a cost overrun?  Imagine you were building a house and the cost overrun was another 60%. What you do? Sue the builder? Stop the work and figure out how to finish it inside budget? Not finish the house because you found out too late and now don't have the money?

So here's a couple of questions:
    • Why weren't nightworks planned for originally?
    • What changes to the project scope were there?
    • How incompetent was the planning that didn't know where services were located?
      If they weren't sure where they were, why wasn't it investigated at the start?
    • What evidence is there of sufficient and adequate planning?
    • Do we have any confidence that this won't happen on the next major project?
Which candidates were in office when this happened? It's not hard to figure out, but I will leave that for you.

Tuesday 22 October 2013

A meeting with Frankston City Council

Residents keep what was already theirs

Monday 21st October at Franston City Council Ordinary Meeting was the culmination of years of work by Karingal residents to stop Frankston council from selling off the site that was once the Gretana Crescent Tennis Club.

1400+ Signatures

Last night more than 1400 signatures were presented to Frankston council by Cr Glen Aitken in a package tied with a pretty bright red bow. This as councilor Aitken pointed out was the largest petition in at least the last 20 years and may be the largest petition ever to have been presented to be presented to Frankston Council. Petitioners had verified that over 1000 of the signatures were from the Karingal area. The final count of Karingal residents that signed is probably closer to 1350 which is more than 10% of the Karingal population. Nearly 15% of the adult population signed the petition.

Frankston City Council, (L- R) Cr Suzette Tayler, Cr James Dooley, Cr Rebekah Spelman, Cr Darrel Taylor, Cr Sandra Mayer, Cr Brian Cunial, Cr Glenn Aitken, Cr Michael O'Reilly, Cr Colin Hampton. Picture: Mark Stewart Source: News Limited
For this massive effort, all within two weeks, Karingal needs to thank Cr Aitken, Glenda and Pauline for their tireless hours standing in front of shops around Karingal collecting signatures.

There have been meetings upon meetings upon meetings to plan a response to Frankston City's plan to sell the site. The hard work for this fell to the Karingal Local Area Planning Committee (sorry I can't resist this - the KLAP committee) ironically set up by Frankston City Council and the Karingal Residents Association KRA. On these committees representatives from Karingal Neighbour Hood House and the Frankston Historical Society were also represented. Karingal's three ward councilors, Cr Glen Aitken, Cr Rebecca Spelman, and Cr James Dooley attended many of the meetings and worked tirelessly in support of Karingal residents. So to all the Karingal community says a big thank you.

Ordinary Council meetings generally are a rather boring affair - but last night's meeting was anything but boring. The public gallery was wall to wall people, Councillors and Council staff scrambled to obtain extra seats for those that attended. Groups represented at the Council meeting included: Karingal Local Area Planning Committee, Karingal Residents Association, Ballam Park Scouts, Frankston Historical Society, Karingal Neighbourhood House just to name a few.

So how did the voting go

Three residents, Mr Tebble, Mr Glenn and Mr Dosen spoke on behalf of the Karingal Community opposing the sale of the site. Cr Rebekah Spelman moved a motion to not consider selling therefore taking the sale of the site off the council's agenda. She spoke extremely well. Cr James Dooley spoke in support of Rebekah's motion. Cr Brian Cunial spoke - said he originally supported selling the Gretana Cres site but saw how serious residents were and changed his mind. Cr Glenn Aitken spoke in support of Rebekah's motion. He also pointed out that Cr Darrel Taylor had only recently stated the importance of petitions as a measure of public opinion (when he had only 365 signatures) and pointing out that Councilor's were there to represent the people, and to listen to what resident's had to say, if they didn't do that they shouldn't be there. Cr Darrel Taylor spoke against the motion saying we should ask all of Frankston whether we should sell the site. I wonder if Cr Taylor would want all of Frankston helping to decide if he should be elected again, or helping decide if he should ever get to be Mayor. Cr Rebekah Spelman summarized.

Cr Taylor asked if there was a tied vote which way the Mayor Cr Sandra Mayer would cast her casting vote. (As Mayor she effectively gets two votes one ordinary vote and one casting vote if their is a tie) The Mayor pointed out that if the vote was even she would have to cast a casting vote for the status quo i.e. to keep the park, much to Cr Taylor's disgust. This meant that even if she voted against the motion tying the vote she would then have to vote against herself and those supporting Cr Spelman's motions would win anyway. So she voted in support. I'm not saying Cr Sandra Mayer used this as the basis for her support, I did not get that impression, but on the other hand she is a bright lady and I'm sure she was exactly aware of what she was doing. Deputy Mayor Cr Colin Hampton was away. Cr Michael O'Reilly - voted against, Cr Suzette Tayler - voted against.

The Gallery was not quiet

One thing you need to know, the gallery was not quiet, and the Mayor threatened to remove us all, and hold the Council meeting in closed session so we would not know the result on the night. I suspect she already knew at that point how the vote was going to go. It was interesting to see the Mayor, Cr Sandra Mayer, in action. She was really on the ball. Frankston may have indeed a really good Mayor.

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Frankston Council forms rubber stamp committees

Frankston Council forms rubber stamp committees

Keep Asking Until You get a Different Answer

It's quite obvious now that Frankston Council when it set up local area committee's for the purpose of consultation actually set them up so they could get the answer they wanted and get their proposals rubber stamped. Imagine Frankston Council's surprise when a new committee was formed this year in Karingal and 40+ people were present, and that almost the only topic of discussion was the green area at Gretana Cres.

Another meeting was held only a week ago, and once again nearly 40 people were present.

Residents Meet to discuss Gretana Cres 10 Oct 2013 
Not only that, but Council also organised a Local Area meeting last year, and the main topic of discussion then was Gretana Cres! There's actually been meetings in Karingal about this site over a number of years and the residents each meeting have made it clear that they want the area cleaned up and turned back in to publicly accessible green space and recreational area.

Council's response to this has been to let the site become derelict, and refuse to maintain the site. Council of course denys this, but their actions speak louder than any words they say.

Keep Asking Until You get a Different Answer

Since Council isn't getting the answer they want , they are now proposing to ask the whole of Frankston what they want to do with the site. This proposal is to be put to a vote at council next Monday 21st October 2013.  If you don't like the answer keep asking the question until you get a different answer. It seems this is council policy. Why not join us at Frankston council chambers next Monday, so we can find out first hand who it is that supports this insult to Karingal resisdents.

It appears that Frankston council just has no idea how angry Karingal Residents are over the issue, and that there will be repercussions if they continue down this path.

Frankston Council now resorting to lies and deception

 Long Street Reserve - Option 1 If you believe Frankston City Council the Building and Car Park only take up 22% of the land. Here's wha...